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VWR® Pipet Fillers Supplier: VWR, part of Avantor
•100% natural rubber construction. •For use with 1 to 45 ml pipets. VWR Cat no: 53497-053 ...

COD Digestion Vials, High Range, Pk/150
Contains mercury. Dispose of according to local, state and federal regulations. For determination of high range Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) by the...

ZincoVer® 5 Zinc Reagent Powder Pillows, 20 ML, Pk/100
For determination of zinc by the ZincoVer® 5 zincon method....

SulfaVer® 4 Sulfate Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 ML, Pk/100
For determination of sulfate by the SulfaVer® 4 turbidimetric method....

Potassium Reagent Set Product Number: 2459100
Set contains: Potassium 1 Reagent Powder Pillows (1432198), Potassium 2 Reagent Solution Pillows (1432298), Potassium 3 Reagent Powder Pillows (143239...

PhosVer® 3 Phosphate Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 ML, Pk/100
For determination of reactive (ortho) phosphate (phosphorus) by the PhosVer® 3 ascorbic acid method....

Cole-Parmer StableTemp Digital Mechanical Convection Oven, 5.3 cu ft; 230VAC
Key Features • Quickly heat and dry samples. • Ensure fast heat-up time, uniform temperature, and strong mixing with the noiseless fan. &...

NitriVer® 3 Nitrite Reagent Powder PIllows, 10 ML, Pk/100
For determination of low range nitrite by the NitriVer® 3 diazotization method. USEPA accepted for reporting wastewater analysis using Hach Metho...

NitriVer 2 Nitrite Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 ML, Pk/100
For determination of high range nitrite by the NitriVer® 2 ferrous sulfate method. Hach method 8153. Range: 2 to 250 mg/L. Sample Size: 10 mL. Pac...

FerroVer® Iron Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 ML, Pk/100
For determination of Iron by the 1,10 phenanthroline method. USEPA approved method for reporting wastewater analysis using Hach Method 8008. The Ferr...

DPD Total Chlorine Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 ML, Pk/100
For total chlorine determination by the DPD Method. USEPA accepted for reporting for drinking and wastewater analysis using Hach Method 8167. Range:...

Cole-Parmer StableTemp Furnace with Basic Control, 323 cu in, 240 VAC
Key Features Reach maximum temperature quickly—rise times as fast as 25 minutes. Autotune feature helps eliminate temperature overshoot Energ...

CalVer® 2 Calcium Indicator Powder Pillows, 50 ML Sample, Pk/100
Indicator for determination of Calcium by EDTA titration. Powder pillows for 50-mL samples. Pack of 100 powder pillows....

BariVer 4 Barium Reagent Powder Pillows, Pk/100
For barium determination by the BariVer® 4 Turbidimetric Method (Hach method 8014). Range: up to 100 mg/L. Sample Size: 25 mL. Pack of 100 powder ...

Cole-Parmer Digital Incubator, See-Thru Door, 1.4cuft; 230V
More About This Item. Incubators are manufactured with 22-gauge steel. Powder-coated exterior provides scratch and stain resistance. The interior is ...